A curatorial project, Unredacted, features work by Peter Howells, Diane Jacobs, Dorota Mytych, Michael Miller, Melissa Morris, Tereza Swanda, and Angela Rose Voulgarelis. "As a group, we are working with the following themes: gender and economic
 Peter Howells, Where Does This Leave Them? 2019 Map of Japan, mixed media, 8 x 11 inches, $500, framed  website
   Angela Rose Voulgarelis, Casualty of Conflict, 2018, Oil, charcoal on paper, 70 x 100 cm  Domestic Alchemy, 2017-2019, Sand belts, iron, Dimensions Variable  website
   Angela Rose Voulgarelis, Domestic Alchemy, (detail) 2017-2019, Sand belts, iron, Dimensions Variable
   Diane Jacobs, $PEAK OUT, 2018, 200 laser-cut real currency, Installation View,  website
dark 1.1.jpg
   Tereza Swanda paints Shells, portraits while sitting with the public. Swanda doesn't paint the sitter’s portrait, instead, each individual chooses an image of a migrant.
 Angela Rose Voulgarelis' Airing Dirty Laundry is an interactive performance installation. Collected phrases, generated in collaboration with the public, are embroidered onto flat white sheets and hung in galleries and public spaces. (Embroidery Circ
 Michael Miller, Implosion-Explosion, 2019 Mixed Media, 3.5 x 5 inches, $200.00
 Diane Jacobs, Undoing, 2017  website   Paper, pencil, ink, graphite, gesso, acrylic paint, India ink, and finger prints. 75” W x 60”
 Melissa Morris, the unreliable eye, 2016  Oil on Canvas, 25 x 20 cm, $400
 Dorota Mytych, How Little One Can Do, 2018,  website   4 channel digital video, color, sound installation  the dog 1:25, the cups 5:19, the samplers 1:51, the snow storm 1:11
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