Dar·link  \ˈdär-ˈliŋk\ : creating a different structure based on caring for one another, 2014
  Feel(s) like death.
  for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
  How else will you morph?
  I believe
  I can see Beauty
  I fail.
  I shout “Yes!” my “failures.”
  I want to fix the pain!
  I will stand in the fire with you
  Love overcomes all grief.
  Morph, shed skin
  Most vulnerable most true and most alive!
  She taught me how to love myself.
  She wants to take care of them; but needs to take care of herself first. (FYI
  Sorry sorry
  This is the main question
  Trust myself
  What more is there? (after
  Yes, I can
  You keep the empty moments.
  You’re here to shout with me
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